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Digital economy cooperation to empower Belt, Road

  China and seven other countries co-launched a digital economy cooperation initiative on Dec. 3 at the ongoing 4th World Internet Conference (WIC) seeking to leverage digital opportunities and enhance connectivity along the ancient silk route.

  "The Belt and Road" Digital Economy International Cooperation Initiative is launched on Dec.3 during the ongoing 4th World Internet Conference. [Photo by Guo Yiming / China.org.cn]

  China, Egypt, Laos, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Thailand, Turkey and United Arab Emirates (UAE) agreed to extend their cooperation in the digital economy in order to build an interconnected Digital Silk Road and create a community of shared interests and a shared future with win-win cooperation and common prosperity.

  According to "The Belt and Road" Digital Economy International Cooperation Initiative, the eight countries will expand broadband access and improve quality, promote a digital transformation, encourage e-commerce cooperation, support internet-based entrepreneurship and innovation, promote development of MSMEs (micro, small and medium-sized enterprises), strengthen digital capability building, promote investment in the ICT sector, and promote inter-city cooperation of the digital economy.

  According to Zhuang Rongwen, vice minister of Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC), China's internet regulator, they will also enhance digital inclusion, encourage policy-making to create a transparent digital economy, promote cooperation in international standardization.

  They want to strengthen confidence and trust, encourage cooperation with respect to independent choice of development path, encourage the establishment of a peaceful, secure, open, cooperative and orderly cyberspace.

  In addition, they want to encourage the establishment of a multi-level exchange mechanism to promote exchanges and share views among governments, enterprises, scientific institutions, industry organizations and relevant interested parties to promote cooperation in digital economy.

  The initiative, which is in line with building connectivity of the Belt and Road, has high potential to leverage digital opportunities, bring common understanding among the Belt and Road countries and bridge gaps in digital development, said Vallobh Muangkeo, secretary general of the National Assembly of Thailand.

  According to Lin Nianxiu, vice chairman of China's National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the country's top economic planning body, said China expected more countries to join in digital economy cooperation, embrace the new scientific and technological revolution and create a better future for inclusive and sustainable development.