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CPPCC committee slams U.S. House approval of Xinjiang-related bill

  BEIJING, Dec. 5 (Xinhua) -- The Committee of Ethnic and Religious Affairs of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee on Thursday condemned the passing of a bill on Xinjiang-related issues by the U.S. House of Representatives.

  Members of the committee, political advisors from ethnic minority groups and representatives of five major religions in China spoke at a symposium organized by the committee, denouncing the lies and fallacies in the bill and making clear the facts and truths.

  The U.S. side slandered China's efforts in deradicalization and counter-terrorism, and backed and encouraged infiltrative and subversive sabotage, terrorist activities, ethnic separatism and religious extremism, said the attendees to the symposium.

  Such acts that grossly interfere in China's internal affairs and trample on the moral bottom line are a show of hegemonism, they said.

  Noting that maintaining Xinjiang's social stability and long-term peace and security is what people long for, the attendees said China's deradicalization and anti-terrorism efforts aim to eliminate the "tumor" that prevents people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang from living a better life, and will help achieve Xinjiang's harmonious and healthy development.

  Those who truly love Xinjiang and people of all ethnic groups and who possess any common sense can see the facts, they said.

  The attendees stressed supporting Party and government organs in taking resolute measures against actions that spread extremism and incite violence and terrorism under the disguise of religion.

  In recent years, Xinjiang has made remarkable achievements in promoting standard spoken and written Chinese language as well as vocational education and training, which, however, has drawn hatred from Western reactionary forces, they said.

  Under different guises, such forces had provoked chaos in other countries using ideological means, hatched "color revolutions" in various forms, and overthrown governments, the attendees noted, adding that their acts have left the people in those countries homeless and in tears and blood.

  This time, the forces extended their hands to China under cover of ethnic and religious issues, in an attempt to split China, bring the country into a disastrous state, and hinder the Chinese nation's historical process of realizing national rejuvenation.

  China's work related to ethnic and religious affairs is successful from a global perspective, and the long-term practice has proved that the policies are correct as China's achievements in maintaining ethnic solidarity, religious harmony, national unity and social stability are beyond doubt, they said.

  No interference in China's internal affairs will be tolerated, and the truth bears no slandering, the attendees said, noting that no force could stop Xinjiang from advancing toward unity, harmony, prosperity and progress.