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To Protect Unity among Ethnic Groups and Jointly Construct Our Homeland

Maerziyan, Sandaohe Township, Huocheng County

Recently, Pompeo maliciously discredited and smeared Xinjiang. His remarks are extremely ridiculous. As a Chinese saying goes, “don't do to others what you don't want to do to yourself.” We can find nothing but immorality on Pompeo. He wantonly fabricates groundless lies with to attract the attention of the world. I want to ask him, have you ever been to Xinjiang? Do you have any knowledge about Xinjiang? Today, I want to use my own personal experience to tell you a real Xinjiang.

I was born in Huocheng County, Yili Prefecture, Xinjiang, where all ethnic groups are friendly to each other and are united together. Friendly relationship is maintained among neighbors and harmonious atmosphere is prevailing in the neighborhood. Since I was a child, I have been playing and learning with Han, Hui and other ethnic partners. We respect each other, helping, caring and accompanying other people. I often eat in this family when I’m hungry, and sleep in another family when I’m tired. I feel very relaxed in my friends’ families, as if I were eating and sleeping in my own family. So far I still clearly remember the warm picture that we played and ate together like a big family. Up to now, my childhood playmates and I still keep contact with each other. In spare time, we gathered together, chatting and laughing in a intimated way, which helps us recall those happy days we spend together. A inseparable tie has been formed in the depth our heart, by which we are connected together.

I'm just one of the millions of children in Xinjiang. There are countless children like me who live happily in Xinjiang, China, and all of them have their own good and happy stories. I just want to tell Pompeo to stop this “Mad” performance and the clownlike acting on the world stage. In the global “anti epidemic” campaign, I know that in China we are safe and my life is guaranteed here. I have a free life and good health in China. Any attempt to split our motherland is doomed to fail!