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Strongly Condemn Pompeo’s Slanders Against Xinjiang

Gulshat Abduqadir,Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Regional People’s Congress

A few days ago, Pompeo published Xinjiang-related fallacies such as “genocide” and “forced labor”, launching groundless attack and premeditated slander on Xinjiang. This American politician who is notorious for lying and cheating madly stigmatized Xinjiang by misguiding and poisoning international opinion with fabricated political lies to. His vicious intentions of sowing discord among people in Xinjiang, disturbing the stability and impeding the development of Xinjiang greatly harmed the feelings of people of all ethnics in the region. As an Uygur official, as a native of Xinjiang, as a participant, witness and beneficiary of the development in Xinjiang, I strongly condemn, firmly oppose and sternly denounce Pompeo’s slander of Xinjiang!

As US former secretary of state, Pompeo actually played the anti-diplomacy role. Ignoring international justice, he indulged in illusions of slandering against Xinjiang which only revealed his dark mentality, bottomless double-standard and hypocrisy. Only the wearer knows whether his shoes fit. Only the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang have the final say over their happiness. Pompeo smeared Xinjiang and created the so-called Xinjiang-related issues, which were absurd only turning himself into a last-day clown and the joke of the century.

Facts speak louder than words. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, Xinjiang has witnessed earthshaking changes in recent years, with unprecedented achievements in socioeconomic development and livelihoods improvement. The overall situation in Xinjiang today is stable and harmonious, along with steady and sound economic growth, constant improvement of people’s livelihood. The sense of happiness, fulfillment and security has been on the rise across Xinjiang. There hasn’t been a violent, terrorist case over the past four years. People’s expectation for peace and stability has been realized. From 2014-2019, the gross domestic product in Xinjiang grew at an average annual rate of 7.2% from 919.59 billion yuan to 1.35971 trillion yuan and the per capita disposable income of Xinjiang residents grew at an annual average rate of 9.1%. Under the current standard, 3.0649 million impoverished people have been lifted out of poverty in Xinjiang. The languages and culture, customs and fine traditions of ethnic minorities are well protected and developed. People of all ethnics fully enjoy different kinds of rights including the subsistence right and the right to development. The government at all levels protected the legal rights and interests of workers and tried their best to create jobs for people and encourage them to pursue better lives through hardworking. Today, Xinjiang enjoys peace, harmonious and prosperity. People of all ethnic groups united together like the seeds of pomegranate. Xinjiang is in its best period of development in history. The rumors and fallacies created and spread by Pompeo were merely a clown show, which will never change the fact that Xinjiang people live in peace and content, and cannot hold the prosperity and development of Xinjiang either.

In recent years, in the fight against terrorism and extremism, Xinjiang always hold high the banner of rule of law, steadfastly safeguard the authority of the Constitution and laws, adhere to the people-centered philosophy, and all ethnic groups are equal. The counterterrorism and deradicalization cannot be linked up with specific ethnic groups, religions or regions. There is no such issue as “crimes against humanity” or “genocide”. The counterterrorism and deradicalization in Xinjiang is carried out according to laws and regulations including Counterterrorism Law of the People’s Republic of China, Measures of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Implementing the Counter-terrorism Law of the People’s Republic of China, Regulations of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Deradicalization, Regulations on Religious Affairs of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Regulations on the Ethnic Unity Progress Work, Regulations on the Work Concerning Spoken and Written Languages, Regulations on Populations and Family Planning. The so-called “genocide” or “crimes against humanity” in Xinjiang was totally pseudo-proposition and vicious farce fabricated by Pompeo, which only existed in his ugly political intrigue. Such things haven’t happened in Xinjiang, doesn’t exist in the region at present and will never happen in the future.

Lies are lies, no matter how many times they are repeated. The stability, growth and prosperity of Xinjiang will never change by Pompeo’s slanders. The lies he fabricated which interfere in China’s internal affairs cannot deceive the people or smear Xinjiang. All these will be wiped out to the historical dustbin. I am strongly confirmed that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, no slanders can destroy the peace and stability in Xinjiang or hinder us from forging ahead!