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Recognize the Truth and Debunk Pompeo's Ugly Face

Abduweli, the Imam of the Mosque in Chaoyang Road of Nanyuan Subcommittee in Wusu City of Tacheng Prefecture

I learned from the news that on the last day of his term, Mike Pompeo, former US Secretary of State, issued a statement on the website of the US State Department, wantonly distorting and smearing China's ethnic policies. As a Uygur religious personnel, I express my strong indignation and firm opposition to this.

I was born in Wusu in July 1963. I have witnessed great changes taken place in the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains since the reform and opening up. I have witnessed all ethnic groups in Xinjiang unite as one and use their hardworking hands and wisdom to make the ancient Wusu take on a new look. For Pompeo's groundless accusations, the religious persons and believers around me were very indignant, and despised such acts that ignore facts and distort black and white. As a beneficiary with personal experience of policies on ethnic minorities and freedom of religious belief, I would like Pompeo to answer my four questions.

Does Pompeo understand human rights? Islam advocates the idea of the Middle Way, in which respect for life is an important aspect. Pompeo is used to attacking other countries with so-called “human rights”. As we all know, the right to subsistence is the most basic right of human beings. The terrorists' gratuitously depriving others of their lives runs counter to the Islamic doctrine of respecting life, and at the same time it is a contempt and trample on human rights. If the life cannot be guaranteed, how can we protect human rights. To carry out deradicalization and fight against terrorists in accordance with the law is to maximize the protection of the ordinary people's right to subsistence. There have been no cases of violence and terrorism in Xinjiang for more than four consecutive years, and the people of all ethnic groups enjoy a growing sense of fulfillment, happiness and security. In this sense, Xinjiang has made a very outstanding contribution to international counter-terrorism. Does Pompeo really not understand human rights? What can he change with such wanton barking?

Does Pompeo know what freedom of religion is? As a religious personnel, I have witnessed the full implementation of the policy on freedom of religious belief since the reform and opening up. As a basic human right of citizens, freedom of religious belief is confirmed by the national constitution. As a mosque mullah, I have never seen the party and the government restrict the freedom of religious belief, and I have never seen punishment for legal belief in religion. Is Pompeo blind? Can't you see the basic fact of freedom of religious belief in Xinjiang?

Does Pompeo know the unity and harmony of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang? I have lived in Wusu for more than 50 years. All ethnic groups have respected and appreciated each other culturally, learned from each other. For example, nan, shishi kabab and samsa have become indispensable foods on the tables of people of all ethnic groups. The people of all ethnic groups have established deep friendship in the process of long-term exchanges. Regardless of their status and ethnicity, there will be several or even dozens of friends of different ethnic groups. Friends of different ethnic groups can be seen everywhere at weddings and funerals of various ethnic groups, and they respect the religious belief of each other. I have many Han, Hui and Kazakh friends. They respect my religious belief and I also respect their living customs. In the process of communication and exchanges, we have established an inseparable brotherhood, forming a touching situation in which all ethnic groups are like a family. This kind of sentiment that transcends ethnic boundaries cannot be easily undermined by any separatist force. Pompeo, do you understand this?

As a Uygur proverb goes, “Harmony is the key to success and unity is the key to strength.” The more the enemy tries to undermine our unity and stability, the more we should be together like seeds of a pomegranate, unswervingly safeguard national unity and ethnic unity, build a harmonious home together, and make positive contributions to social stability and long-term peace and stability in Xinjiang with concrete actions.

Pompeo, you are barking up the wrong tree. Your intention to disrupt and disturb the social order in Xinjiang will never succeed, and all ethnic groups in Xinjiang will not allow it.