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Are Ethnic Groups Forced to Work? Mike Pompeo was Talking Nonsense with His Eyes Open

Maiwulan Tuerhan, the Secretary General of Yining Chamber of Commerce for Ethnic Enterprises

My name is Maiwulan Tuerhan, born in January 1975. I have graduated from Xinjiang Agricultural University of Agricultural Economic Management. After graduation, I have been working in agricultural science and technology. Now I am the general manager of Yining Qiuleke Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., and I also serve as a secretary general of Yining Chamber of Commerce for Ethnic Enterprises. With the constant care and help of the party and the government as well as my own efforts, the company I run has grown into a leading enterprise in the industry of Yili Prefecture. And I am proud to be a Uygur entrepreneur who grew up on the land of Yili, Xinjiang.

Recently, I have frequently read the news that Mike Pompeo, former U.S. Secretary of State denigrated our country and "forced labor of ethnic groups" in Xinjiang. I was more puzzled and angry than shocked. I don't understand how he could lie and talk nonsense with his eyes open. Do we need to be forced to learn more skills, to make money on our own skills or create a better life with our own hands and aspire to a better life? I really want to ask those people who said they “care about” the ethnic groups and human rights in Xinjiang. Will you give us money when we don't work? By the way, don't people in your country work? As a private enterprise operator, I dare not imagine what a country that advocates no labor or no work will be like. Is it to leave ordinary people facing endless poverty and despair?

All I know is that hard work makes you rich. I myself am also the best proof of this sentence. I run an enterprise which specializes in fruit planting, research, processing, sales and service. Its annual output value is more than 5 million yuan. With the strong support and help of the government, the products are sold in major airports, tourist areas and specialty stores in Xinjiang, and they are sold well on e-commerce platforms such as Taobao, JD.com and Pinduoduo, which has become the "famous" name card of our featured agricultural products. At present, the enterprise actively attracts people of different ethnic groups to find jobs. There are 27 employees and the average monthly salary is more than 4000 yuan. It can be said that my colleagues and I have been living a good and steady life with our hardworking hands and enjoying the happy life we have earned through our own labor.

Our compatriots of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang are relying on the care and hard sweat of the Party and the government, so that earth-shaking changes have taken place in our hometown.The fact is the best proof! Mike Pompeo, and those who don’t hope for the good of us, Xinjiang and China, please come and have a look at the real, beautiful and rich Xinjiang. Please come to “open your eyes” to take a good look at our happy life instead of nonsense and wanton slander. I will, together with my colleagues, cherish the good policies of the Party and the government as always. And I will continue to make our company bigger and stronger and strive to attract more, better and more capable people to join our team to drive more people to achieve employment and increase income. We live together in the day of prosperity and break all ignorant and shameless lies with facts!