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Pompeo’s “Doomsday Madness” Is bound to Be Despised

Maliya Pulati, TV News Center of Xinjiang Radio and Television Station

My name is Maliya Pulati. I’m a native of Xinjiang and also a journalist full of ambition. Both my personal experience and what I have witnessed are the happiness that underlies people’s life in Xinjiang. I love my motherland and is more willing than ever to guard and defend her. When I learned that Pompeo once again targeted China by falsely claiming that China has committed the so-called “genocide” and “crimes against humanity” against the Uygur Muslims and other ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, I couldn’t help but ask in a loud voice, “Pompeo, what prompted you to fabricate such lies? Didn’t you feel it a shame to selectively take deaf ears and blind eyes? You slandered and smeared the current good situation of Xinjiang’s social stability and prosperity to such a extent that all your evil behavior will be answered for.”

We know best about whether our life is happy or not and whether we have good days or not. A few days ago, my 63 year old father had a heart bypass surgery. Because he has diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and other diseases, the surgery was of high risk. With the scrupulous treatment and careful care of the medical staff, he has survived the difficulties and is now undergoing rehabilitation treatment in the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University. Such a major surgery can be done without leaving Xinjiang for an inland hospital. Moreover, my family do not need to worry about the medical expenses of my father. We have been in a good era with the party’s good policies. Such an obvious fact can never be distorted by Pompeo’s lies. During the period of taking care of my father in his ward, I heard from a Hotan uncle in the same ward that he could afford to come to Urumqi for treatment for serious illness and that his medical expenses could be reimbursed through medical insurance. He said that even newborn babies can enjoy medical insurance and that people no longer worry about the medical expenses for treatment.

I have been working as a journalist for 15 years and traveled all the places around the Tianshan Mountains. I take delight in recording the continuous improvement of housing, education, medical treatment, and transportation etc. in these places, and I take pride in witnessing the continuous improvement of people’s living standards here. In Yecheng County, once a national poverty-stricken county, 3043 poverty-stricken households moved from mountainous towns to resettlement sites near the county, being benefited from the relocation policy of the party and the country. From the planning and resettlement site selection to the relocation, I continued to follow up. After soliciting the willingness of the masses, the government carried out the planning, design and relocation. The masses moved to live in spacious and bright houses for free without necessarily carrying along many belongings. In order to enable them to move, live stably and enjoy a better-off life, the party and the government have also carried out the construction of supporting agriculture and various industries, so that the Uygur farmers and herdsmen can move out of the mountains and get rid of the intergenerational chain of poverty. Our country could not have invested a lot of money and manpower to make the Uygur people and the whole country step into a well-off society together if China had committed the “genocide” and “crimes against humanity” falsified by Pompeo.

Pompeo’s lies have long been unable to deceive people with basic judgment ability. It is an indisputable fact that Xinjiang China, which has no violent and terrorist cases for more than four consecutive years, is glowing with unprecedented vitality due to social harmony and stability, economic development, people’s living and working in peace and contentment, respect and inheritance of ethnic minorities’ folk customs, and implementation of the policy of freedom of religious belief. Personally, I thank my great motherland. I was admitted to the Journalism Department of Xinjiang University from Kizilsu Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture and after graduation I realized my dream of being a journalist and showed my talent and ambition in my favorite position.

Xinjiang is a good place. It’s not an empty talk. Pompeo, a liar, can’t blind us by slandering and smearing. Your “doomsday madness” can only be spurned by the world!