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Pompeo’s Ugliness Laid Bare by His Terrible Lies

Slarim Smay, Deputy Director of Xinjiang Department of Industry and Information Technology

Recently, I learned from the news media that the former US Secretary of State Pompeo fabricated lies about “human rights issue” of Xinjiang Uygur and groundlessly alleged that Xinjiang “committed anti-humanity crimes against ethnic minorities like Uygur and certain religious groups” and “committed genocide”. These absurd rumors laid bare the ugliness of Pompeo, the worst ever US Secretary of State, who attempted to smear the ethnic and religious policies of China and tarnish the international prestige of China in his own political interest. Over the past few years, Pompeo told too many lies and made too many vicious remarks. The fallacy he made up lately was nothing but one more sinister and ridiculous lie of the notorious US politician well known for his habitual lying and cheating to destroy stability, impede development of Xinjiang and mislead international public opinions about Xinjiang. Lies can never replace truth, nor can they change the realities of ethnic unity, harmony and happiness among all people in Xinjiang.

Born and bred in Xinjiang, I witnessed the earthshaking changes in Xinjiang under the leadership of CPC. Unprecedented achievements have been made in socio-economic development and livelihood improvement; social stability and economic prosperity across Xinjiang make all people live and work in peace and contentment and their sense of fulfillment, happiness and security improves continuously. In 2014, I was very lucky to be one of the first batch participating in a work team in Ayaktam Village of Tumantal Township, Magat County. I witnessed huge changes of the village and the folks. Streetlamps were installed and asphalt road paved. Living in bright and spacious houses, with more income, the villagers were enjoying a happy life. Some even purchased private cars. In September 2020, our crew awarded scholarships to two college students, two senior high school students and one junior high school student learning outside Xinjiang. We also presented them with trolley luggage and backpacks and encouraged them to work hard to become competent builders for our motherland.

Xinjiang Department of Industry and Information Technology is a big harmonious family with a crew of 1,200, made up of various ethnic groups. Keeping on good terms with each other, we help and learn from each other in both our work and life, and visit and celebrate festivals together. Personally, with the cultivation of the Party and government, after finishing my college study outside Xinjiang, I was assigned to work in a state-owned enterprise and then promoted to a managerial position. Later I became the deputy director of Xinjiang Department of Industry and Information Technology through an open selection of leading cadres. I have always been favored by the cultivation of the Party and the help of my colleagues from various ethnic groups. I have a happy family. My two children both finished their college and found their desirable jobs. Now they are also enjoying their bright happy lives.

All these facts prove that Pompeo’s lies and fallacies are contradictory to the realities and real lives of Uygur in Xinjiang. All these facts prove that Pompeo’s allegations, his last-day desperation, replete with fallacies, will again tarnish his notorious “diplomatic heritage”. However Pompeo lied, cheated or slandered, in no way shall he destroy stability and prosperity of Xinjiang, disrupt happy lives of all people in Xinjiang, or block the struggle of people in Xinjiang for a better tomorrow.