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Our Happy Lives Are the Bullets to Shatter Pompeo’s Shameless Lies

Mamatmin Sawur, Villager of Lanpa Village, Niya Township, Minfeng County

Recently, Pompeo slandered and smeared Chinese government of Xinjiang again and grossly meddled with internal affairs of China with his repeated malicious lies. As a Chinese, feeling indignant with his despicable misconduct, I am determined to fight against him to the end.

My name is Mamatmin Sawur and I am a 45-year-old villager from Lanpa village, Niya township of Minfeng County. There is an old Chinese saying “Seeing is believing”. Now I want to ask Mr. Pompeo, have you been to Xinjiang before and how much do you know about Xinjiang? Without seeing Xinjiang with your own eyes, how dare you fabricate your shameless lies and make despicable remarks about the happy lives of all people in Xinjiang out of nothing? Let me tell you, Mr. Liar Pompeo, we are living a very happy life in Xinjiang!

In the past, due to the remote location and underdeveloped economy of our village, we could hardly make ends meet with our meager income from farming. The villagers with critical diseases had to travel to comprehensive hospital in Hotan 300 kilometers away to receive diagnosis and treatment. However, since the reform and opening-up, earthshaking changes have taken place in my village. Earth and gravel roads were replaced with asphalt roads leading to each household, which enjoys bright and spacious government-subsidized house. Children go to village school to receive free education and even free notorious catering. Equipped with standardized clinic for each village, medical services become more convenient and accessible. Medical workers pay a regular visit to the elders with chronic diseases and free physical examination covers every villager each year.

Taking advantage of our proximity to the county seat, the government work group helped us build a comprehensive market integrated with agricultural supplies, building materials, storage and parking lots on our unused 43 mu collectively-owned land. They also helped us to build Lanpa comprehensive economic services center and set up boards of directors and supervisors. With prospering of the market, the lives of villagers are getting increasingly better. Now our villagers from various ethnic groups are united as one and working together to create more wealth and a better life. Running a grocery selling fruits and nuts, I make much more money than farming.

The great changes in recent years made me more conscious of the implication of “Unity brings weal and turmoil brings woe”. Mr. Liar Pompeo, leave us alone, because you have no right to judge our happy lives. No matter how you slander and smear Xinjiang and China, by no means shall you destroy the ethnic unity among people in Xinjiang as pomegranate seeds clinging together.