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Despite Dogs’ Barking, the Camel Group Are Moving On

Xiadiya Amannula, Xinjiang Daily

Recently, Pompeo told a big lie, falsely claiming that the Chinese government’s policy towards the Muslims and ethnic minorities in Xinjiang constitutes a “crime against humanity” and a “crime of genocide”. This is a totally reckless nonsense, an unwarranted attack and a deliberate smear on the Chinese government’s policy of ruling Xinjiang. As a native Uygur Party member and official in Xinjiang, and a participant, witness, and beneficiary of Xinjiang’s stable development, I express great indignation, strong condemnation and firm opposition to Pompeo’s groundless accusation and malicious slander!

Pompeo said that the Chinese government imposed forced labor on the Uygurs and other ethnic minorities in Xinjiang. This is totally a fabrication out of nothing. According to the national policy on employment and the overall plan to win the battle against poverty, Xinjiang regards the promotion of employment as the biggest livelihood project, popularity winning project and foundation project. Adhering to the combination of self employment of workers, market regulation of employment, government promotion of employment and encouragement of entrepreneurship together, Xinjiang increases employment through multiple channels and tries every means to stabilize employment. In recent years, more and more Uygur people have found suitable jobs and got stable income, and positive changes have taken place on themselves and their family. Through the positive employment policy, the material and spiritual living standards of the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang have been continuously improved, and human rights have been effectively guaranteed and developed, which has laid a solid foundation for ensuring the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang to enter a well-off society in an all-round way together with the people of the whole country, and for achieving social stability and long-term stability in Xinjiang as well.

From 2016 to 2018, I went to Pishan County of Hotan Prefecture and taught as a teacher for two years, and witnessed the great changes in southern Xinjiang. Bazaar in the township was built very well, the rural roads were neat and broad, and the life of the common people was better and took on a modern look. The government invested a lot of money to build kindergartens, schools, cultural activity centers, etc., and the spiritual and cultural life of the villagers has become more and more colorful. The Xinjiang-aiding civil workers from all over the country regarded Xinjiang as their hometown, wholeheartedly support the construction of the remote areas in Xinjiang, and have forged deep friendship with the masses of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang. A large number of government officials have actively participated in the program of “Investigating, Benefiting and Solidarizing” in the village. They worked hard at the grass-roots front and paid countless efforts to change the village from the inside out. There are also many teachers like me who give their love to kindergartens so that children can have a sunny childhood and a bright future.

As a journalist who has been interviewing at the grassroots all the year round, I know more clearly that the state and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region have allocated a large amount of special funds every year for the industrial development, infrastructure construction and livelihood guarantee of Southern Xinjiang. By introducing enterprises and setting up public welfare posts, the government has tried every means to create employment opportunities for people of all ethnic groups according to the local conditions. Nowadays, the production and living conditions of the people of all ethnic groups in southern Xinjiang have undergone great changes, with all the poor people out of poverty, all the poor villages out of poverty and all the poor counties out of poverty. In terms of people’s livelihood, the three-year preschool education and 12 year basic education in southern Xinjiang have achieved a full coverage, and higher education and vocational education have reached the highest level in history. The level of basic public services in urban and rural areas has been continuously improved, the social security system has been gradually improved, the rate of residents’ basic medical insurance has reached 99.7%, and the free physical examination for all people has been fully implemented.

We can be proud to say that the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang have never been so confident in life and hopeful for the future as they are today. They fully identify the great motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China, and socialism with Chinese characteristics today. The good situation of social stability, peace, prosperity and development in Xinjiang is not won easily. People of all ethnic groups will take great care of it and cherish it. Pompeo will never be allowed to interfere in it and act recklessly!