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Firmly Oppose Pompeo and Adrian Zenz 's Fallacies about Xinjiang

Zake Simayi, Deputy Party Secretary and Discipline Inspection Commission Secretary of Karamay Vocational & Technical College

Recently, Pompeo and Adrian Zenz spread lies and rumors, and wantonly discredited Xinjiang, claiming that Xinjiang had committed "genocide" and "crimes against humanity" on Uygur and other ethnic minorities. I would like to express my strong indignation and condemnation to Pompeo and Adrian Zenz for their lies and fallacies!

The people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang have the say on the situation of human rights in Xinjiang. At present, Xinjiang is in the best period in history, which is the most real and objective feeling of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang. In the face of the severe situation of frequent violent and terrorist attacks in the past period, over the past few years, Xinjiang has implemented the rules of laws to govern Xinjiang according to constitution with the goal of achieving social stability and long-term stability. There have been no violent and terrorist attacks for more than four years, and the sense of security of the people of all ethnic groups has been enhanced significantly.

As a leading cadre of ethnic minorities who has been educated and trained by the Party for many years, and as an educator, the related education policies and actual situation of my school can completely refute the lies of Pompeo and Adrian Zenz remorselessly. My school is a big family of all nationalities. Students are from all over the country. There are Han, Uygur , Kazak, Hui, Mongolian and Xibe. The school has rich education resources, which has 36 higher vocational majors and 7 secondary vocational majors, 6 national training bases, 220 multimedia classrooms equipped with the Internet, 124 training bases and experiment and training rooms in school. Besides, we have 94 training bases out of campus, which can meet the needs of students of all ethnic groups to the largest extent.

In terms of capital investment, nearly 10 million yuan have been allocated in 2020 to reward outstanding students and subsidize students who have financial difficulties. Students of all ethnic groups are united and living a happy life harmonious. They help and learn from each other and grow up together. They have equal employment opportunities. The faces of students of all ethnic groups are full of happiness, sunshine and hope here.

I have been working in the school for more than 30 years, and I have witnessed the support to education in Xinjiang from the Party and our motherland support. I see more and more children receive compulsory education and entering universities for higher education. And talents of all ethnic groups have equal and huge development space and they will become the builders of beautiful Xinjiang.

The absurd farce deliberately concocted by Pompeo and Adrian Zenz will be swept into the rubbish dump of history together with themselves. And they will be drowned in the spit and curse of 25 million people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.