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Lies Can Never Cover up Facts

Arken Slamu, Director of Civil Affairs Bureau, Aksu Prefecture

My name is Arken Slamu. I was born and brought up in Xinjiang. It was the Communist Party and the people who nurtured me and helped me grow and become a cadre step by step. In life, my colleagues and I are united and help each other. At work, my colleagues and I are like brothers, united as one, learning from each other. We pay attention to cultivating young cadres of all ethnic groups. In terms of the cultivation of young cadres, regardless of region or ethnic background, we encourage them to study and make progress, and help them solve problems in their lives.

As a minority leading cadre in the civil affairs sector, I know the basic living conditions of people of all ethnic groups in the region. When I visited the grassroots, people told me that in recent years, the government has given a lot of support, including many policies to help the grassroots people. Students have received free compulsory education and their living standards have improved steadily. In recent years, under the correct leadership of the CPC Central Committee, all the cadres and workers in the civil administration system have conscientiously implemented the policy of social security, organized and firmly established the security network to get rid of poverty.Whenever I think of the practical and good things I have done for the people and see their satisfying smile, I am proud that I am Chinese and a public servant of the people.

The fact of Xinjiang’s prosperity and development cannot be distorted. I would like to solemnly tell Pompeo and Adrian Zenz that in the beautiful land of Xinjiang, blue sky and white clouds, people of all ethnic groups, guests and friends from all over the world will witness that Xinjiang is the “hometown of singing and dancing” and the “hometown of melon and fruits”. People of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang embrace each other closely like pomegranate seeds. We get united and work hard together to create a better and happy life. This is our real every day life.