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The Vicious Attack of Pompeo and Adrian Zenz Cannot Deter the Progress and Ethnic Unity in Xinjiang

Umarjan Rozi,Vice Director of the Agricultural Technology Promotion Center of Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture

Recently, Mike Pompeo and Adrian Zenz accused Xinjiang of committing “crimes against humanity” and “genocide” against Uygurs and other Muslim minorities. This was nothing but pure lie and was the proof of their “doomsday madness”, which is bound to be deserted by history.

I am a native of Xinjiang. Since childhood, I have studied and lived with playmates of Han, Uygur and Mongolian ethnicity. People of all ethnic groups live in harmony and are benefited from the progress of Xinjiang. Now I have become a Party official in agricultural system. I witnessed the changes took place in rural areas from my poverty alleviation working experience at grassroots level government which lasted for more than three years.

First, the educational conditions have been significantly improved. In today’s rural schools, rows of brand-new teaching buildings have sprung up equipped with books, laboratories, music rooms and multimedia classrooms in the campus. The infrastructure construction at the school is not inferior to that in the city. Children’s laughter are everywhere in the campus. Second, the living environment is improving. Asphalt roads can reach the doorstep of every household. Running water, heating system and electricity are guaranteed at every household. The “separation of three zones”, namely the separation of residential area, planting area and breeding area is realized so that the rural living environment is upgraded. The pastoral life improves the sense of gain and happiness of the local people. Third, agricultural modernization is expanding.

Rural agriculture is on the way to modernization through the popularization of a number of new agricultural technologies, such as fertilizer, agricultural plastic film, cotton chemical regulation, water-saving drip irrigation, mechanical sowing and harvesting, intelligent agriculture, and the household contract responsibility system, land ownership registration, land transfer, as well as the national policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting agriculture. Fourth, the comprehensive development of ethnic groups has been dramatically improved. Not only the total population achieved significant increase, but also the rights of education, religious beliefs, politics, agricultural production and other aspects have been fully protected. The so-called “genocide” in Xinjiang is a complete lie which cannot hold water.

The purpose of Pompeo and Adrian Zenz’s fabrication of the “genocide” is not to make up lies, but to use them to smear us. Their real intention is to damage the stability and harmony among different ethnic groups, undermine the great unity of our ethnic groups, and hinder China’s development. Their evil intentions have long been recognized by us. As a member of the Communist Party of China and a ethnic government official, I will continue to start from trivial things and will be down to earth and do a good job in ethnic unity. I will always love the motherland and my hometown, and contribute my part to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.