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Xinjiang 7 Days’ images: Building a happy life

Conceiving the harvest scene of cotton fields, building a foundation for high-yield breeding and urban ecological barrier... In spring, pictures of happiness in the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains gradually form.

After a snowfall, the beautiful scenery of snow peak formed and three rivers including Kongque River, Tian’e River and Hong Yan River are getting green with the spring breeze.

After a spring snow, the snow peaks of the Tianshan Mountains are shrouded in clouds, echoing the city from afar; In the spring breeze, willows on both sides of Kongque River, Tian’e River and Hongyan River in Korla City, northwest China’s Xinjiang, flutter with the wind and enhance each others' beauty with the river.

Spring snow and flowers are so beautiful and people are flying colorful kites in this beautiful scenery.

Last week, after suddenly getting warmer, the weather in Urumqi City turned cold and snowed again. But the children in Korla City, northwest China’s Xinjiang, flew kites in the sea of pear flowers, and tourists in Kuqa City danced in the fields of blooming apricot flowers.

In spring, Xinjiang is full of vitality and unique beauty.

A million mu of cotton sowing work starts

Aerial photo taken on March 29, 2022 shows cotton growers plant cotton at cotton fields of Kongpan Village in Tuanjie Town, Yuli County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China’s Xinjiang. As temperature rises, the cotton sowing work in Yuli County is in full swing. In 2022, the county plans to sow 1,000,000 mu of cotton, which is expected to be completed in mid or late April. (Photo by Cho Hura)

Building a new breeding area

Aerial photo taken on April 1, 2022 shows workers work at the construction project site of Jinhua Shengye high-yield dairy cow breeding area in Hutubi County, Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China’s Xinjiang. Jinhua Shengye high-yield dairy cow breeding area is planned to cover an area of about 2000 mu with a total investment of 250 million yuan. The construction was started in September 2021 and the project is expected to be put into use in December 2022. The completion of the project will lay a foundation for the improved breeding and high yield of dairy cows in the county, and will play a positive role in optimizing the structure of dairy herds and promoting the high-quality development of animal husbandry in the future. (Photo by Ma Guangyuan)

Building ecological barrier

Aerial photo taken on March 28, 2022 shows the overlooking scenery of Wanmu Begonia Ecological Park in Bole City, northwest China’s Xinjiang. Wanmu Begonia Ecological Park is located in the western suburb of Nancheng District, Bole City. Before 2016, it was a Gobi desert with a large pile of construction waste. In 2016, Bole City started the project planning and construction for ecological forests covering area over ten thousand mu and built an ecological landscape park of more than 60,000 mu in three years, forming an ecological barrier for Bole city. Today, Wanmu Begonia Ecological Park has become a green barrier and urban "green lung" of Bole City. (Photo by Shiliuyun/ Xinjiang Daily Tang Yong)

Putting up the shed for double cropping Hami melon

Photo taken on April 1, 2022 shows villagers put up a shed film for the newly-built greenhouse of double cropping Hami melon. The villagers put up shed film, apply farm manure, lay mulching films and breed seedlings in the greenhouse of double cropping Hami melon at Ailike Village in Huayuan Township, Hami City, northwest China’s Xinjiang, presenting a busy scene. In 2022, the Forestry and Grassland Bureau in Hami City has strove for project funds based on the actual situations of the village, and built double cropping Hami melon planting base of more than 300 mu in Ailike village. At present, the double cropping Hami melon greenhouse in Huayuan Township, Yizhou District has reached 1,100 mu, which can increase production and efficiency and further drive farmers to increase income and become rich. (Photo by Li Hua)

Banks of three rivers are getting green in the spring breeze

Aerial photo taken on April 2, 2022 shows Chengbang willow trees planted at Tian’e River scenic spot in Korla City, northwest China’s Xinjiang. Recently, Chengbang willow trees planted on the both sides of Kongque River, Tian’e River and Hongyan River in Korla City sprouted out with yellow-green Chengbang willow twigs fluttering in the wind, enhancing each others beauty with clear water. (Photo by Cho Hura)

Feeling the charm of science

Photo taken on March 29, 2022 shows students feel the charm of science at the science and technology museum in Aksupu Township, Yuli County, northwest China’s Xinjiang. The science museum has 10 sections, including science cognition, aviation and aerospace, eco-environment protection and scientific breeding. Through the combination of scientific knowledge and entertainment, people can feel the charm brought by science and technology. (Photo by Shiliuyun/ Xinjiang Daily Han Liang)

Producing surfboards

Photo taken on March 29, 2022 shows an employee produces surfboards at a production workshop of Xinjiang Haisen Outdoor Products Co., Ltd. in Shule County, Kashgar Prefecture, northwest China’s Xinjiang. Xinjiang Haisen Outdoor Products Co., Ltd., located at the High Tech Industrial Incubation Park in Shule County, Kashgar Prefecture, northwest China’s Xinjiang, is a professional manufacturer of outdoor sporting goods, mainly producing and manufacturing outdoor sporting goods and equipment such as inflatable yachts, surfboards and drifting boats. And the products are sold to the Central Asian countries. (Photo by Shiliuyun - Xinjiang Daily / Otkur Nijat)

The beautiful scenery of the Tianshan Mountains after a snowfall

Photo taken on March 30, 2022 shows the scenery of snow peaks of the Tianshan Mountains viewing from Badaowan Street in Urumqi City, northwest China’s Xinjiang. On that day, after a spring snow, the snow-capped peaks of the Tianshan Mountains were shrouded in clouds and mist in the distance. (Photo by Shiliuyun - Xinjiang Daily / Zou Yi)

The unique scenery of spring snow in Urumqi

Photo taken on March 30, 2022 shows citizens go out in snow on Henan Road, Urumqi City, northwest China’s Xinjiang. On that day, heavy snow fell in Urumqi and northern Xinjiang, adding a bit of cold to the warm spring. The highest temperature of the day was 4 ℃, and the lowest temperature was - 2 ℃, and the northwest wind was grade 4 to 5. (Photo by Shiliuyun - Xinjiang Daily / Zou Yi)

Flying kites in the park full of pear flowers

Photo taken on March 29, 2022 shows kids fly kites at the People’s Park in Korla City, northwest China’s Xinjiang. In March, flowers blossom in warm spring and various flowers in parks and streets in Korla City compete to bloom, attracting many citizens to have an outing and appreciate flowers to enjoy the spring. (Photo by Shiliuyun - Xinjiang Daily Han Liang)

Apricot blossoms attract many tourists

Photo taken on April 2, 2022 shows citizens and tourists appreciate apricot flowers at the apricot garden in Kumuairike Village, Yixihala Township, Kuqa City, northwest China’s Xinjiang. At present, 100,000 mu of apricot flowers bloom successively and many citizens and tourists come to enjoy the spring time. (Photo by Yuan Huanhuan)

Migratory birds settle down in oil fields

Photo taken on March 31, 2022 shows aquatic birds forage in the water around the Jiqing oilfield operation area of Xinjiang Oilfield in Jimsar County, Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China’s Xinjiang. In recent years, the operation area has adhered to the concept of green development, reduced the impact of operation to environment through the application of new processes and technologies such as green exploration and green drilling, effectively protecting local ecology, and forming an ecological picture of migratory birds living in oilfields. (Photo by Zhang Yun)