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The beautiful scenery in Xinjiang: The splendid landscape in Bayanbulak Grassland

Bayanbulak Grassland, located in the cold highland area in the upper reaches of Kaidu River in the northwest of Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China’s Xinjiang, is a closed high-level intermountain basin at the southern foot of the middle section of Tianshan Mountains, and is the largest subalpine alpine grassland in China. There is not only the Kaidu River with "nine turns and eighteen bends", but also the elegant and charming Swan Lake, the cool and charming scenery, the snow mountains and the lush grassland. It is the best place to cultivate people’s taste and relax themselves.

Photo July 4, 2022 shows the scenery of Bayanbulak Grassland.

Photo July 4, 2022 shows the scenery of Bayanbulak Grassland.

Photo July 4, 2022 shows the scenery of Bayanbulak Grassland.

Photo July 4, 2022 shows the scenery of Bayanbulak Grassland.

Photo July 4, 2022 shows the scenery of Bayanbulak Grassland.

Photo July 4, 2022 shows the scenery of Bayanbulak Grassland.

Photo July 4, 2022 shows the scenery of Bayanbulak Grassland.

Photo July 4, 2022 shows the scenery of Bayanbulak Grassland.

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