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Xinjiang airport exports flowers for the first time

Shiliuyun-Xinjiang Daily (Reporter Chen Qiangwei) news: After passing the customs inspection at Diwopu Airport in Urumqi City, the 764kg fresh-cut flowers from Kunming flew from Diwopu Airport in Urumqi City to Almaty City in the Republic of Kazakhstan. This is the first time that Xinjiang airport exports flowers.

Photo taken on February 13, 2023 shows customs officers inspect the export of fresh-cut flowers at Diwopu Airport in Urumqi City, northwest China’s Xinjiang. (Photo by Liu Yige)

This batch of fresh-cut flowers includes 11 varieties, such as rose, carnation, fresh chrysanthemum and eucalyptus, with a total of more than 12,000 branches. The enterprise responsible for the customs declaration and export of this batch of fresh-cut flowers did the export business of fresh-cut flowers for the first time.

"This batch of fresh-cut flowers was transported by air from Chengdu to Urumqi. We have never exported flowers before, so we lack relevant information about the policies, regulations and inspection and quarantine requirements of the destination countries," said Wang Weixin, the head of the enterprise.

Fresh-cut flowers belong to "fresh and urgent" export commodities, its shelf life is short and temperature control is difficult, which requires very high transportation efficiency. The customs of Urumqi Diwopu Airport actively contacted the export enterprise and the airport ground service, security inspection and other departments to understand the goods information and transportation routes, guided the enterprise to declare through the international trade window, adopted the measures of "online document review + appointment inspection" to give fresh-cut flowers maximum convenience of customs clearance, ensure efficient customs clearance and quality of fresh-cut flowers.

"We set up a green channel for the inspection of fresh-cut flowers at the customs clearance site, and arrange customs officers to 'wait for flowers' at the business site. After the arrival of the goods, customs officers will be sent immediately to the airport apron to inspect. It only took 20 minutes to complete the inspection and release, ensuring the timeliness of customs clearance," said Liu Jingyi, head of the customs supervision section of Diwopu Airport in Urumqi City.

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