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An invitation from Yengisar County: Welcome to enjoy apricots in late June

“My family has been growing apricots here for generations. Growing apricots helps me get rich. Now I don't have to worry about not being able to sell my apricots. When they are ripe, the cooperative will come to collect them.” Mirman Bakri said, a villager from Kazakhlaerik Village, Qolpan Township, Yengisar County, Kashgar Prefecture, northwest China’s Xinjiang.

In early April, at every township in Yengisar County, farmers are busy with farming work such as hand pollination, pest control, and frost damage prevention as the apricot trees bloom in the spring breeze. At the Sayerik specialized cooperative of agricultural materials and sideline products in Qiaolepan Township, Yengisa County, Samat Tohsun, the head of the cooperative, is busy: “Recently, I built a place to dry grapes, and I am cleaning the drying room to be prepared when the apricots, grapes and peppers ripe in June,” said Serenti Tohson.

In recent years, the industry for Yengisar apricot, pepper King and grape has ushered in a good opportunity for development. Many enterprises and cooperatives have settled in the township. Centering on the selection, preservation, drying, deep processing, storage, transportation and marketing of characteristic agricultural products, the road of characteristic industry development of characteristic + scale + brand has been set up. Farmers are also living a better life through special industrial planting.

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