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Qiemo County in NW China’s Xinjiang witnesses a green and flourishing future

Shiliuyun-Xinjiang Daily (Reporter Guan Mengying) news: Located in the northern part of the Kunlun Mountains and the Altun Mountains, and the hinterland of the Taklamakan Desert, Qiemo County used to be a place with severe wind sand damage and fragile ecological environment. Nowadays, with generations of people overcoming the harsh natural environment, constantly carrying out wind prevention and sand fixation constructions, and actively exploring the development of eco-economic industries, Qiemo County is witnessing a green and flourishing future.

Photo shows the view from the sightseeing platform of the Hedong Ecological Sand Control Base in Qiemo County, a green forest belt separates the desert from the county. (Photo by Shiliuyun-Xinjiang Daily/ Guan Mengying)

Fight against the sand and guard the homeland

On June 24, 2023, a large all-media interview group traveled to the Hedong Ecological Sand Control Base in Qiemo County. By the roadside, there is a sign reading "Build an Oasis in the Desert".

Photo shows poplar trees thrive under careful care in northwest China's Xinjiang. (Photo by Shiliuyun-Xinjiang Daily/ Guan Mengying)

"It's not a slogan in Qiemo County, otherwise, the desert will invade our hometown." Patigul Yasen, an employee of the wind prevention and sand fixation workstation in Qiemo County, said that the forest in front of her was also a desert 10 years ago.

"The first day we came to work here, the head of the station gave each of us a shovel, and with naan and water, we began to cut reeds and make straw checkerboard sand barriers." Patigul is one of the first batch of female sand fixation officers in the county, and by now she has been working for 18 years.

“I am a native of Qiemo County, and I chose to work in the sand fixation workstation after graduating from technical secondary school. My whole family all support my decision."

Photo shows Patigul Yasen (first from right) neatens the drip irrigation tape with her colleagues in northwest China's Xinjiang. (Photo courtesy of Patigul Yasen)

"The dry and hot sand in the desert blew so hard that we could barely open our eyes, and the sand also blew into our mouths, ears and nostrils." Kamiljan Tursun, deputy secretary of the party and director of the Qiemo County Forestry and Grassland Bureau, recalled that every time during the afforestation season, people worked with enthusiasm, and no one complained even if the conditions were hard, "For us, green is precious."

In the past 10 years, the cumulative implementation of afforestation area in Qiemo County has reached 216,000 mu, the greening of the National Highway 315 has reached 90 km, the county road greening rate has reached 100%, and the forest area has reached 3,578,600 mu.

Today, Patigul also serves as an interpreter at the wind prevention and sand fixation workstation. She carefully remembers each data of the station, and explains them in details. "I won’t make any mistakes in those numbers, because they represent the determination of us Chinese people to protect our home."

Combat desertification with scientific and effective approaches

“Common trees are difficult to survive here, so cold- and drought-resistant desert plant species such as poplar, sacsaoul are the best choice." According to Camiljan, given the weather conditions, Qiemo County comprehensively carried out the return of cultivated land to pastures, returning grazing land to grasslands and the prevention and control of rodents in grasslands projects.

Walking into the desert soilization pilot demonstration project in Qiemo County, a row of automatic rotating sprinklers with a diameter of about 130 meters moved slowly while spraying water and fertilizer to the sand. "Compared with the traditional watering method, it can help the sandy soil keep moist and fertile, so that the sand will play the same role as soil. The equipment is efficient and can save water." Kamiljan told reporters that this is a new project put on trial this year, and it can complete 80 mu of sand watering each turn.

Photo shows Pennisetum seedlings sprout in northwest China’s Xinjiang. (Photo by Shiliuyun-Xinjiang Daily/ Guan Mengying)

Pennisetum seedlings sprout in the vast desert, "If the experiment is successful, we may be able to grow corn and wheat and realize the dream of turning the desert into an oasis." Kamiljan said excitedly.

After 25 years of unremitting efforts, the county has explored a set of scientific sand management systems suitable for the local area and with unique characteristics. Today, the county has built an ecological green corridor about 25 kilometers long and 1 to 7 kilometers wide in the desert area east of the Qarqan River. The local sandy weather has been significantly reduced, and the average annual precipitation has increased significantly. According to the results of remote sensing satellites, the erosion of the desert into the county has been effectively controlled and the ecological environment of the county is gradually improving.

Desert green economy helps people get a well-off life

Once, the villagers were worried about the erosion of the desert, but now, this same desert is their hope for increasing their income and getting a well-off life.

Since 2003, the county has been optimizing its development ideas, gradually introducing power of society, and making full use of the desert's unique resources to develop the under-forest economy and industries that benefit local people.

"The yield of Cistanche deserticola this year is expected to reach more than 50 tons, hopefully, it can drive more local people to get a well-off life." Tian Ye, general manager of Xinjiang Pengcheng Ecological Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd., is a veteran. He and his 8 comrades-in-arms planted over 10,000 mu of greens in 5 years. Recently, the 6,000 mu of Cistanche deserticola planted under the sacsaoul last year is about to enter the harvest period.

“We are planning to build a deep processing base of Chinese herbs, which can contribute to the employment of more veterans, local farmers and herdsmen.” When talking about future development, Tian Ye is full of confidence.

Photo shows Tian Ye showcases the Cistanche deserticola about to be harvested in northwest China's Xinjiang. (Photo by Shiliuyun-Xinjiang Daily/ Guan Mengying)

At present, the total area of desertification prevention and control has reached about 170,000 mu, and the area of Cistanche deserticola planting under the sacsaoul has reached about 103,900 mu. The seeds of Cistanche deserticola have reached 6.1 tons, and the total output value has reached 13.98 million yuan. The products of Cistanche deserticola are sold at home and abroad. A bunch of extended products such as Cistanches cream, Cistanches tea, and Cistanches wine, are popular among consumers.

With the wind and sand whirling up and the motor roaring, the desert off-road vehicles climbed and made sharp turns at the sightseeing platform of the Hedong Ecological Sand Control Base, and visitors cheered when they saw the thrilling movements of the vehicles.

"It's so exciting, I'm going to share the video with more friends." Mr. Li, a tourist from Jiangsu Province, said he and his lover also attended a local desert concert, "The starry sky and music in the desert give us a very romantic experience."

"These two years, desert tourism has gotten more and more attention, and more and more tourists come here to enjoy desert tourism. We plan to continue to increase investment this year." said Wang Dong, general manager of Kunlun Yudu Cultural Media Co., Ltd. of Qiemo County.

Photo shows visitors prepare to ride in a desert off-road vehicle in northwest China's Xinjiang. (Photo by Shiliuyun-Xinjiang Daily/ Guan Mengying)

Xinjiang Tazhong Culture Tourism Co., Ltd. settled in Qiemo County in March, 2023. "What attracts us to invest is not only the desert scenery, but also the great service-targeted enterprises." General manager Zhang Zhi said, it only took 3 working days to go through the registration procedures, and he hopes that the company can drive more local people to participate in tourism services.

Not long ago, the desert industrial tourism area in Tazhong Town, Qiemo County, was recommended as the "national desert tourism boutique destination". The desert adventure tourism industry gradually became a new “blue ocean” of Qiemo’s tourism development, and the vast desert has shown its vitality. Manzire, the member of the Standing Committee and the chief of the publicity committee of Qiemo County, said, "We will continue to promote ecological restoration and management, and empower high-quality development with ecological agriculture and regional tourism."

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