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Xinjiang has set a record for large-scale high-yield corn production among cold and cool regions in China

According to Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, on October 9th, 2023, after actual yield measurements conducted by experts from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and other relevant departments, a demonstration field for high-yield corn covering an area of 1,300 mu in Sartaktai Village, Kulebai Town, Habahe County in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, with a yield of 1230.29 kilograms per mu (at 14% moisture content), has set a new record for large-scale high-yield corn production among cold and cool regions in China.

A technical expert provides guidance on corn production in the demonstration field of Sartaktai Village, Kulebai Town, Habahe County, northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, in June, 2023. (Photo by Wang Xian)

Yang Jie, chief expert of Xinjiang corn industry technology system and deputy director of the Institute of Grain Crops of Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, introduced that this high-yield creation adopts mature corn varieties bred in China that are suitable for planting in cold and cool regions. By integrating and promoting advanced cultivation techniques and management models, technical experts have significantly improved the yield level of corn per unit, accumulating valuable experience for enhancing yields of maize per unit area in Xinjiang and across the country.

"In the past, the yield per unit area was only about 800 kilograms," said Tursunhan Wulazi, a villager from Sartaktai Village in Kulebai Town. Due to the cold climate, it was difficult to achieve breakthroughs in local corn yields. However, experts have brought a complete set of adapted technologies that will enable high-yield corn production even in cool and cold regions.

"Habahe County is located at the southern foot of the Altai Mountains, with an annual effective accumulated temperature of only about 2400℃, making it a typical cold and cool region for grain production. The overall solar thermal resources are limited, which poses high demands on optimizing the agricultural production structure and enhancing grain production capacity in the local area."

Xinjiang has implemented a project to enhance grain production capacity and improve grain yield with a focus on corn. The region fully leverages the role of chief experts in the industry system by establishing a specialized team of experts to provide technical services and guidance throughout the entire process of grain production. Through multiple measures, Xinjiang aims to enhance comprehensive grain production capacity.

Against this background, the Urumqi Comprehensive Experimental Station of the National Maize Industry Technology System, the Maize Industry Technology System of the Autonomous Region, the Institute of Grain Crops of the Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Institute of Crop Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Habahe County jointly created a high-yield maize demonstration field in Saltaktai Village. Each unit selected scientific and technological personnel to live there and send high-yield corn technology to the fields to help local corn production overcome the problem of cold.

"The key to increasing production lies in the combination of improved crop varieties and advanced farming techniques," said Yang Jie. In order to better match technology with practical production, our team of experts has established demonstration fields within the production fields of local large-scale farmers. We have selected early-maturing, high-yielding maize varieties that are resistant to dense planting. These varieties are combined with precision control techniques such as increased planting density, single-seed precision sowing using navigation systems, precise regulation of water and fertilizer, and accurate control measures. From sowing to harvest, at every critical stage of farming, our technical staff work hand in hand with farmers, enabling the effective implementation of these productivity-enhancing technologies on the front lines of agricultural production."

"Thousands of acres of high-yield records in the cold and cool regions are rare in China," Yang Jie said, emphasizing that the large-scale increase in production fully demonstrates the feasibility of existing technological solutions. The expert team will systematically organize key technologies and develop a comprehensive promotion plan to help more corn producers in cold and cool regions benefit from the productivity gains brought by technology."

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