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A craftsman in making horse skull-made musical instrument in a rural courtyard in NW China’s Xinjiang

Photo taken on November 18, 2023 shows Li Kewu hangs up a musical instrument made of horse skull by him.

Li Kewu, a famous craftsman in Yujiagong Village, Beiting Town, Jimsar County, Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is an intangible cultural heritage inheritor in making musical instrument from horse skull. He has been doing this for 15 years.

Photo taken on November 19, 2023 shows Li Kewu carves a horse-head shaped scroll.

In front of a farmyard in Yujiagong Village, there are some wooden boards piled up, and 68-year-old Li Kewu prepares to dry ponytail. Li Kewu had many things to say when he mentioned in making musical instrument from horse skull.

Photo taken on November 19, 2023 shows Li Kewu dries ponytail for making strings.

Li Kewu has been fond of music since he was a child. During the artist program at the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Chi Baolege from Inner Mongolia performed a song Ten Thousand Steeds Gallop. The high and passionate music seemed to immerse him in the grassland. Afterwards, Li Kewu fell in love with the musical instrument made of horse skull and developed the idea of making it.

Photo taken on November 19, 2023 shows Li Kewu debugs strings of a musical instrument made of horse skull.

Over the years, Li Kewu has visited many musicians and instrumental makers to learn the skills in making musical instrument from horse skull. In order to find suitable materials, Li Kewu traveled throughout the surrounding pastoral areas. “I really love it,” Li Kewu said.

Photo taken on November 19, 2023 shows Li Kewu polishes a horse skull to prepare in making musical instrument from horse skull.

Photo taken on November 19, 2023 shows Li Kewu makes sound box of musical instrument made of horse skull.

“It takes two years from finding materials to finishing the instrument,” Li Kewu said. “I hope to make more people to know and love this kind of musical instrument made of horse skull, and let more people know the excellent traditional Chinese culture.” (Correspondent He Long)

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