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SCO countries expected to release joint initiative on tourism industry development

Tianshannet-Xinjiang Daily news: (Reporter Hou Weili and Qian Yongwen) Member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) are expected to reach a joint initiative on developing the tourism industry, Shri Janesh Kain, deputy secretary general of the SCO, said at a news briefing held on Thursday for the upcoming SCO Forum “Year of Tourism 2023.”

Member states will also explore how to implement cooperation programs to make the tourism industry play a greater role in their respective economy, he added.

The forum aims to build a platform for SCO member states to introduce their policies and incentives for the tourism industry, exchange development experience, discuss trendy topics in the industry and explore ways to solve problems hindering its development, said Kain.

More than 300 representatives from China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Sri Lanka, Iran and the Economic Cooperation Organization will attend the forum, which is scheduled from November 23 to 26 in Urumqi, capital of China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

The event will feature a theme forum on the potential of tourism in the SCO space as well as thematic sessions on tourism in Xinjiang, sustainable development of the tourism industry, and tourism and poverty reduction, said Xu Guixiang, spokesperson for the Xinjiang regional government.

Participants will take tours to Urumqi, Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture, Altay Prefecture, Aksu Prefecture and Kashi Prefecture after the forum to explore tourism development around Xinjiang as well as new cooperation opportunities, Xu said.

SCO member states declared 2023 the SCO Year of Tourism to support the tourism industry and increase the tourist appeal of the cities and regions in the SCO space in the Samarkand Declaration of the Heads of State Council of the SCO released in September 2022.

The forum is co-hosted by the SCO Secretariat and the regional government of Xinjiang.

Founded in Shanghai on June 15, 2001, the SCO now has nine member states, three observer states and 14 dialogue partners. The intergovernmental international organization is committed to strengthening mutual trust, friendship and good neighbourliness among its member states, and encouraging effective cooperation in areas including politics, trade, economy, science and technology, culture, education, energy, transport, tourism and environmental protection.

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