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Sweet Hami melons go on sale in Kashi City, NW China’s Xinjiang

The crispy and sweet greenhouse Hami melons will mature and go on sale around December 10, 2023. In the modern agricultural industrial park in Kashi City, melon vines are arranged neatly, and plump Hami melons are hanging under yellow and green leaves, with a faint fruity aroma.

According to Sun Kai, head of the cooperative, the variety of Hami melons planted by the cooperative this year is called Xinjiang Baliuwang, which has characteristics of being crisp and sweet and has a strong milk aroma. Each greenhouse is planted with 2,000 plants. There will be approximately 1,500 mature Hami melons in each greenhouse, an average yield of 3-4 tons.

While achieving the development of characteristic planting industries, in 2023, the cooperative also contributed to the employment of 30 farmers from the surrounding areas. Abdureyim Ti’re and his wife, who live nearby, are responsible for planting in the greenhouse, with a monthly income of 8,000 yuan.

Next year, the cooperative will seize great opportunity of developing the agricultural industry and take advantage of unique advantages of light, water and soil resources in Kashi City, as well as complete agricultural infrastructure, and implement the "industrial park+cooperative+farmer" model. The greenhouses will be increased to 50, which can provide more than 60 employment positions. The cooperative will also provide free technology and seeds to farmers, allowing more people to increase their income with the cooperative, and embark on the path of happiness.

Sun Kai, the person in charge of Chunyu Farmers' Planting Professional Cooperative in Kashi City, said, "We will select five to ten planters next year and let them plant with us. We will provide seedlings and management technology guidance for the planters, sign order contracts and purchase Hami melons planted by them. We hope that we can form a unique fruit planting chain and help everyone live a well-off life together."

(The Media Convergence Center of Kashi City, Reporters Ma Lina, Yilharjan)