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Foreign journalists visit Altay, NW China’s Xinjiang

Shiliuyun-Xinjiang Daily (Reporters Song Haibo, Arman Rizak) news: On December 5, 2023, a media delegation from Central Asia and Russia visited the Jiangjunshan International Ski Resort in Altay City, northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and toured the studio of gem paintings at the Wubaili Street. They also watched the Dombra performance at the Xuedu community, immersed themselves deeply in the natural scenery and cultural atmosphere, and felt the charm of the “snow capital of China”.

Photo shows members of a media delegation from Central Asia and Russia visit Xuedu community in Altay City, northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (photo by Zhang Tao)

The media delegation first toured the Jiangjunshan International Ski Resort, the only alpine ski resort in China connected to the city, which has dozens of ski runs with perfect infrastructure and advanced ski equipment. The media delegation enjoyed skiing and watched the performance of an ancient fur skiing team. Ravil Budukov, the Russian editor of Kazakhstan's Silk Road Today newspaper, said, "Skiing on fur snowboards is not only a sport, but also a cultural heritage. The costumes made of fur and the skiing skills of the team members show their love and respect for skiing."

Photo shows members of a media delegation from Central Asia and Russia visit Jiangjunshan International Ski Resort in Altay City, northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (Photo by Zhang Tao)

“It’s my first time in Xinjiang, China, I didn't expect the ice and snow tourism here to be so developed. The construction of the ski resort is very advanced, the price is affordable and the service is thoughtful." Rahmontila Kuduratov, a journalist from Uzbekistan National Television, said she was impressed by Altay's ice and snow resources and tourism industry and was planning to recommend Xinjiang's ice and snow tourism routes to her colleagues and friends after returning home.

Photo shows members of a media delegation from Central Asia and Russia visit the studio of gem paintings in Altay City, northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (Photo by Tian Dong)

After that, the media delegation came to Wubaili Street in Altay City to visit the studio and appreciate various gem paintings. Gem paintings are made of bright natural gemstones and minerals, with delicate textures and luster. Alima Mukhanova, a reporter from KAZINFORM International News Agency, said, “They are beautiful. The teacher promised to teach us next time we come to Xinjiang.”

Photo shows members of a media delegation from Central Asia and Russia enjoy Dombra performances at Xuedu community in Altay City, northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (Photo by Shiliuyun-Xinjiang Daily/Song Haibo)

The media delegation also came to the Xuedu community at Qiaxiu Road in Altay City, to enjoy Dombra performances, and started listening and moving to the rhythm of the music. Dombra is a traditional stringed instrument consisting of two strings, a bow, and a wooden sound box with an ancient and pleasant tone.

Photo shows members of a media delegation from Central Asia and Russia visit Xuedu community in Altay City, northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (Photo by Shiliuyun-Xinjiang Daily/Zhang Tao)

"I am moved by the sound of Dombra, which conveys people's inner feelings in a happy life." Nurzyan Kasmarieva, director of the International Department of the Kabar State News Agency of Kyrgyzstan, said that she is very interested in Dombra performances and is willing to let more people know about this charming Chinese folk art through her reports.

After the visit, the media delegation said that the Altay Prefecture is a place that contains both the beauty of ice and snow and the charm of folk cultures, and it is worth visiting again.

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