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InXinjiang⑱丨The adventure of an American cyclist in Xinjiang

On April 16, 2024, Alex Kotowske, an American cyclist, rode to the northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. On April 26, 2024, while cycling in Barkol Kazak Autonomous County, he encountered heavy snow. Fortunately, the police found him and offered assistance, leading him to Xialaoba Township in Barkol Kazak Autonomous County, where he was provided with warm accommodation by a local herdsman Aoernibieke Muhadeli. He experienced the warmth and hospitality of the local people during this visit. He said that a piece of Xinjiang is in him for all time.

Executive Producer: Xiao Chunfei

Supervisors: Ding Tao and Xue Jing

Producer: Jie Wenjin

Planners: Lin Han and Cheng Li

Reporter: Gulnigar Amat

Camera: Dou Xingjun

Post-production: Yu Shanshan

Reviewers: Hou Weili and Zhang Shijie


Special Report: InXinjiang