As time goes by, the childhood of each generation has become a memory. Today's children in Xinjiang, many of whom no longer live the same lives or play with the same toys as their older generations, still bear a remarkable likeness to the smiles of those who came before. This is because they have all experienced childhood, a time as precious and full of promise as the first light of dawn, or an oasis that enchants and draws one to linger.

Producer: Cheng Lixin
Executive Producers: Shi Feng and Xiao Chunfei
Production Supervisors: Chao Jin, Liang Wei, Jie Wenjin, Hou Weili and Cheng Li
Coordinators: Ding Tao, Song Jun and Yu Lei
Script: Jie Wenjin
Production/Packaging/Design: Miao Rong
Freehand drawing/Design: Li Zhennan
Translation/Voice: Fan Feifei
Related: Xinjiang Album