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Xinjiang sees over 40 pct yoy increase in pre-sale tourism package ordering for the Dragon Boat Festival holiday

Shiliuyun-Xinjiang Daily (Reporter Hei Hongwei) news: As the Dragon Boat Festival holiday approaches, Xinjiang tourism market sees a booking rush. The Meituan (a Chinese tech-driven retail company) data show that as of June 1, 2024, tourist bookings for the Dragon Boat Festival holiday in Xinjiang (including scenic spots, accommodation, transportation, etc.) have increased by more than 40 percent year-on-year. Xinjiang's Urumqi City, Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture, and Kashi Prefecture are the top three popular destinations, with Altay Prefecture also ranking in the top ten. In addition to Xinjiang tourists, those from the cities of Beijing, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shanghai, and Shenzhen show the highest enthusiasm.

Photo shows Shenxianwan lake in the Kanas scenic area in Altay Prefecture of northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Prefecture. (File photo)

The mini-series To the Wonder, an adaptation of award-winning essay collection My Altay by Li Juan, a recollection of her own experiences in Altay Prefecture of northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, has made Xinjiang a dream destination for many tourists. According to Delida Nabi, director of the Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau of Altay Prefecture, since May, 2024, Altay has received about 2.67 million tourists, an increase of 80 percent, achieving tourism revenue of 2.2 billion yuan (about 303.6 million US dollars), an increase of 93 percent.

Taking advantage of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the cities and prefectures across Xinjiang are continuing to explore the advantages of their tourism resources. They are working to enhance tourism consumption conditions, innovate tourism consumption scenarios, and improve the supply of tourism products to attract tourists. This comprehensive approach aims to enhance the vitality of the holiday cultural tourism consumption market.

To achieve this, wonderful activities with the themes of food and intangible cultural heritage have been launched, and dragon boat racing and activities of experiencing intangible cultural heritage have become popular travel styles. At the same time, cities and prefectures across Xinjiang have also launched preferential activities in terms of tickets, catering, accommodation, etc., to further stimulate the vitality of holiday tourism consumption.

Enjoying Dragon Boat Festival folk cultures in towns around cities has become popular for many people spending their holidays. They can partake in activities such as eating zongzi, picking mugwort, making sachet, and wearing Hanfu... Not only are young people willing to entertain themselves in these ways, but also many parents with their children are having the fun. According to Meituan's observation, touring with children near home has become popular among parents. Activities like eating delicacies, watching shows, and playing games have enriched the touring projects for parents and children, allowing them to have more tourism experiences at a lower cost.

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