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Half of summer grain purchasing in Xinjiang has been complete

Shiliuyun-Xinjiang Daily (Reporter Liu Yi) news:According to the Food and Strategic Reserves Bureau of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, at present, the summer grain purchasing in Xinjiang is being carried out in an orderly manner, the purchase price has been controlled to be stable, and the market has been running steadily. As of July 10, 2024, Xinjiang has seen 1.85 million tons of wheat purchasing, with the purchasing in southern Xinjiang nearing an end, and in northern Xinjiang, it is about to usher in a peak, and the overall purchasing progress has been completed for more than a half.

Information shows that the progress of Xinjiang’s summer grain purchasing this year is slightly ahead of the same period last year, with the amount of completed purchasing increased by 750,000 tons compared to last year. Regarding the purchasing bodies, local state-owned grain purchasing and marketing enterprises purchased 1.27 million tons, accounting for 68.4 percent. Processing enterprises have purchased 291,000 tons, accounting for 15.7 percent. Addtionally, 185,000 tons of grain were purchased by the grain storehouses of China Grain Reserves Group (CGRG), accounting for 10 percent. Other enterprises have purchased 109,000 tons, accounting for 5.9 percent.

Photo shows a staff member of the Yili warehouse of China Grain Reserves Group (CGRG) checks the quality of wheat. (Photo by Liu Ziling)

It is learned that since the start of this year’s summer grain purchasing, the grain and material reserves departments at all levels in Xinjiang have systematically deployed the works, to ensure the summer grain purchasing goes on well. At present, 450 grain purchasing enterprises engaged in grain purchasing in Xinjiang have actively participated in the market. And the Xinjiang Branch of the Agricultural Development Bank of China has allocated 11.6 billion yuan (about 1.62 billion U.S. dollars) in credit funds to increase financial support for grain growers and purchasing bodies. All cities and prefectures in Xinjiang have also given full play to the role of post-harvest service centers, providing timely services such as cleaning, drying, collection and storage, guiding farmers to scientifically store grain, reducing losses, and increasing income. The purchasing and storage enterprises have been guided to improve the conditions of storage facilities, adopt advanced and applicable technologies and equipment, and improve the standardized level of storage management.

"We have always insisted on protecting the rights and interests of grain sellers and ensuring summer grain purchasing," said Ding Baodeng, director of the grain reserve department of the Grain and Strategic Reserves Bureau of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. This year, Xinjiang has actively carried out various special actions to strengthen supervision and inspection over the purchase of summer grain. At the same time, Xijiang has further increased the scale of its grain reserves, optimized reserve layout and varieties, and constantly enhanced its capacity for grain market regulation and emergency response capabilities.

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