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The Fourth Xinjiang China International Art Biennale to kick off on July 28

Shiliuyun-Xinjiang Daily (Reporter Jia Chunxia) news: On July 24, 2024, it was announced at the press conference held by the Culture and Tourism Department of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region for the Fourth China Xinjiang International Art Biennale that the event, co-hosted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, will open in Urumqi on July 28, 2024. The exhibition, lasting more than two months, will present a feast of culture and art for people of all ethnic groups.

Photo shows the press conference for the Fourth China Xinjiang International Art Biennale held by the Culture and Tourism Department of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in Urumqi City, northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (Photo by Shiliuyun-Xinjiang Daily/ Jia Chunxia)

Themed on "Pulse of the Hinterland," this biennale features 263 works (or groups of works) from 14 countries worldwide (including China). The exhibition will run from July 28 to October 15. It is divided into a main exhibition and a parallel exhibition. The main exhibition comprises four sections: "Digital Station," "Ecological Codes," "Silk Road Integration," and "Synergy Resonance." The parallel exhibition, titled "Symbiotic Realm: 100 Years of Xinjiang Arts and Contemporary Observations," is the first of its kind to systematically organize and present the documentary materials of Xinjiang arts since the early 20th century in the form of an exhibition.

The exhibition showcases a diverse range of art forms, including painting, sculpture, interactive installations, video, immersive art, research documents, and more. It encompasses cutting-edge artistic genres such as eco-art, conceptual art, abstract art, and tech-art, as well as new technological media of production. There is a significant inclusion of digital VR and new media interactive works, catering to the aesthetic needs of diverse audiences.

"Through meticulous spatial planning and exhibition design, this biennale emphasizes interactivity and participation, promoting cross-disciplinary fusion between art and various fields. It will bring fresh artistic vibes and intellectual stimulation to Xinjiang, and aim to inspire new creative thinking and artistic languages in the region with open topics and diverse works," said Zhang Zikang, the chief curator of this biennale, who is also a professor and Ph.D. supervisor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

To foster a close connection between this biennale and Xinjiang artists, enriching the exhibition's geographical and regional characteristics, the curatorial team has been openly soliciting and selecting works from artists and groups living and working across Xinjiang since March 28 of this year. A total of 388 submissions (or groups of works) were received, and the Curatorial Committee selected 11 submissions (or groups) to be included in different sections of the biennale, highlighting the brand identity of the China Xinjiang International Art Biennale.

Liu Shiqing, the director of the Xinjiang Art Museum, introduced that this biennale utilizes a total of seven exhibition halls in the museum, covering an exhibition area of 7,000 square meters. It is the largest exhibition held in the museum since its establishment. Additionally, it showcases the museum's commitment to upholding regional cultural ecology and aligns with its high-quality development strategy of benchmarking international professional art museum standards in terms of operational philosophy and team building.

Since 2014, Xinjiang has successfully hosted three editions of the China Xinjiang International Art Biennale. The successful organization of these biennales has fully demonstrated the confident, open, and inclusive spirit of the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang. It has also showcased Xinjiang's confidence and capability in cultural construction as a core region along the Silk Road Economic Belt, establishing itself as a dazzling cultural calling card.

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