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Xinjiang Album ⑩ | Reform and Opening-up in Xinjiang

Xinjiang, this ancient and vibrant land, has flourished with new vitality in the reform and opening up. It has not only witnessed the magnificent picture of China's historic changes, but also, with its unique geographical advantages and ethnic characteristics, has written its own brilliant chapter. Let us step into the journey of Xinjiang's reform and feel the innovation and vitality on this land.

Producer: Cheng Lixin

Executive Producers: Shi Feng and Xiao Chunfei

Production Supervisors: Chao Jin,  Hou Weili and Cheng Li

Coordinators: Song Jun,  Ding Tao and Yu Lei

Script: Qian Yongwen

Translation/Voice: Hou Weili 

Production: Miao Rong

Pictures: http://xjtp.ts.cn/

Related: Xinjiang Album