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Xinjiang Album ⑪ | A taste of Xinjiang seafood

Although Xinjiang is not adjacent to the ocean, it is rich in aquatic resources and has successfully cultivated seafood like salmon, which are now popular both within China and abroad. The expansive water bodies, coupled with technological innovations, have propelled the dynamic growth of Xinjiang's fisheries, showcasing the essence of Xinjiang's high-quality development.

Producer: Cheng Lixin

Executive Producers: Shi Feng and Xiao Chunfei

Production Supervisors: Chao Jin, Hou Weili and Cheng Li

Coordinators: Song Jun, Ding Tao and Yu Lei

Script: Lin Han

Translation/Voice: Hou Weili

Production: Miao Rong

Pictures: http://xjtp.ts.cn/

Related: Xinjiang Album