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A delegation of Norwegian friendly personages visits NW China’s Xinjiang

Shiliuyun-Xinjiang Daily (Reporter Zhang Lei) news: From September 7 to 15, 2024, a delegation of Norwegian friendly personages visited northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. They went to Urumqi City, Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture, Kashi Prefecture, Bortala Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture and Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, and had an in-depth experience of the real situation in Xinjiang where there is a harmonious and stable society, a prosperous economic development, and people of all ethnic groups living and working in peace and contentment.

In 2019, Thore Vestby, former mayor of Norway’s Frogn municipality and founder of Ichi Foundation, visited Xinjiang. Five years later, when he came to Xinjiang again, he said that the speed of Xinjiang's progress and development was unbelievable. He had told his family and friends that on his first day arriving in Xinjiang, he had recommended that they all come to see the rapidly developing region with their own eyes, so that they could better understand its past, present, and future.

During this visit, the delegation's first stop was the ancient city of Kashi in Kahi Prefecture. Here, rows of shops, a dazzling array of goods, and cheerful song and dance performances deeply attracted their attention. During the interaction with the local people of all ethnic groups, members of the delegation fully felt the combination of tradition and modernity, prosperity and stability in Xinjiang.

Jan Oberg, head of the delegation and founder of the Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research, said that what is most touching is that people of all ethnic groups are united together and working hard for the development of Xinjiang, which has provided a good example for the whole world.

Photo shows a member of the delegation inspects modern cotton planting techniques in Shule County, Kashi Prefecture, northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (Photo by Hou Lichao)

Members of the delegation were deeply impressed by the cotton planting in Xinjiang. At the cotton fields in Shule County, the high-quality cotton planting base in the Laolonghe Demonstration Area in Changji, and other places, the delegation visited cotton fields to learn about cotton planting situation. Thore Vestby said that the real scene is completely different from what he knew before. He said that when he goes back, he will let the Norwegian people know the real situation of cotton planting in Xinjiang.

Jan Oberg added that there are almost no farmers in the cotton fields and the degree of agricultural mechanization is very high, which is very different from the so-called “forced labor” rumors they had heard in the past. He also said that the West has too many wrong impressions of China and that they can help them gradually correct these impressions.

Photo shows members of the delegation visit Xinjiang Xiaochu Food Co., Ltd. in Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (Photo by Gao Yunzhe)

The delegation visited local enterprises to learn about the development of new energy in Xinjiang, the application of artificial intelligence technology, foreign trade, and the deep processing of agricultural special products. They also visited the Horgos Port and the Urumqi International Land Port Area to learn about the construction achievements of the China (Xinjiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone.

Photo shows members of the delegation visit the Xinjiang Ancient Ecological Park in Urumqi City, northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (Photo by Shiliuyun-Xinjiang Daily/Zhang Lei)

During the visit, members of the delegation were amazed by the diversity and inclusiveness of the cultures of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang and felt up close the inheritance and protection of fine traditional Chinese culture and the vigorous development of the tourism industry. Practicing lawyer Remi Strand said that after visiting the production of ethnic musical instruments, folk tourism, characteristic villages, and Sayram Lake, he felt that the place was full of vitality. All ethnic groups got along well with each other and lived in harmony. He also noted that the Chinese government was not only vigorously developing the economy but also devoting itself to inheriting and protecting the fine traditional cultures of all ethnic groups.

Photo shows members of the delegation visit the Xinjiang Salamander Museum in Wenquan County, Bortala Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (Photo by Wang Zhenzi)

Jan Oberg said, during the visit, he saw the most real situation of China’s Xinjiang. The smiles on the faces of people of all ethnic groups are the best response to the rumors and slander.

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