Shiliuyun-Xinjiang Daily (Reporter Ma Yining) news:During the 2025 Spring Festival, the passenger throughput of Xinjiang Airport (Group) Co., Ltd. exceeded 1 million for the first time.
During the holiday, the Xinjiang Airport Group transported a total of 1.009 million passengers, handled a cargo and mail throughput of 3,075.3 tons, and ensured 9,341 flight takeoffs and landings, representing increases of 11.5 percent, 98.9 percent, and 22.3 percent respectively compared to the same period last year, indicating steady growth in transportation production.

Photo shows a staff member of China Southern Airlines answers questions for passengers. (Photo by Luo Junfeng)
Among them, Urumqi International Airport handled a passenger throughput of 553,000, a cargo and mail throughput of 2,758.8 tons, and ensured 4,005 flight takeoffs and landings; regional branch airports handled a passenger throughput of 456,000, a cargo and mail throughput of 316.5 tons, and ensured 5,336 flight takeoffs and landings.
During the Spring Festival holiday, the passenger throughput at 19 airports in Urumqi, Kashi, Korla, Yining, Hotan, Altay, Karamay, Hami, Alar, Tacheng, Shache, Bole, Tumxuk, Turpan, Fuyun, Qiemo, Ruoqiang, Zhaosu, and Kanas exceeded the same period last year. Among them, the passenger throughput of Kanas, Zhaosu, Altay, and Fuyun tourism airports increased by 20.4 percent, 54.9 percent, 70.3 percent, and 192.3 percent respectively compared to the same period last year.
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