From October 11 and 31, 2023, a group of 23 young sinologists from 21 different countries visited northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. During this trip, they were particularly impressed by the region's multicultural atmosphere and the happy lives of the local people.

Yosvanis Fornaris Garcell, the curator of Cuba's National Museum of Decorative Arts, mentioned that the Internet has been inundated with voices that discredit China's Xinjiang. However, his personal experience of Xinjiang is vastly different, as he witnessed the region's high level of security and rapid development. He believes that the best way to be international is to be national, and he saw that embodied in Xinjiang.
Supervisors: Ding Tao and Mao Mingdong
Producer: Jie Wenjin
Planners: Lin Han, Cheng Li and Huang Juan
Reporter: Gulnigar Amat
Camera: Tao Zhihao
Post-production: Yu Shanshan
Reviewers: Hou Weili, Fan Feifei and Qian Yongwen
Coordinators: Li Tao and Xiang Yue
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